Instead of promoting calm and reasonable preparation, the media whipped people into a frenzy. On social media platforms, weather forecast images appeared and reappeared on a daily, hourly basis.
This past weekend, over 100 women gathered in historic Kailua for a Red Hat Convention. Many people came from the mainland and Canada. Many traveled from the outer islands. All of this despite the frightful storm warnings. Out of the number, only seven girls did not attend. A couple because of flight cancellations. Some were afraid to drive across the island. Yet the girls who kept a "cautionary optimism" per Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell, arrived safely in Kailua and were greeted by intermittent shows and a whole bunch of fun, excitement, and blingitude!
Succumbing to a negative view can keep people from enjoying life and having fun! Don't be paralyzed by the worst case scenario. Prepare and go out and live life!
I have a friend who belongs to that Red Hat club and enjoys it. It looks like a lot of fun.